Thursday, 27 February 2014


Here are two great quotations from the great Hamish Fulton – that’s him above, in Lanzarote.
The first: “I am an artist who walks, not a walker who makes art.”  Not trying to muscle in on the man, nor compare myself to him, but it's the case that I'm a writer who walks, rather than a walker who writes.

And even better from Fulton: “a walked line, unlike a drawn line, can never be erased.”  I wonder if that applies to writing too; a walked line, unlike a written line, can never be erased.”  I'll be thinking about that for a while.

(I wasn’t there but I can believe it's true - LA psychogeographer Anthony Miller tells me he went to a lecture about Fulton at the Hammer Museum, and the lecturer throughout pronounced his first name as “Armeesh” – as in the religious sect.  A man with Scottish roots, and I assume Mr. Fulton has those, though he was actually born in London, would surely be amused.  Either that or he’d bottle the lecturer.)

Hamish Fulton's website is here:

And it's not just me, is it, there's more than a passing physical resemblance between Fulton and Iain Sinclair?  Walking obviously keeps them trim and attractive, though doesn't do much for the hairline.

Monday, 24 February 2014


If you go to the website (and why wouldn’t you?) you’ll find and extract/sampler/cut up from the opening of Walking in Ruins.  It starts like this:

By Geoff Nicholson

  If, like me, you happen to have written a book titled The Lost Art of Walking, people tend to ask you, “What’s your favourite walk?” I always find this a really difficult question. I want to answer honestly, and I definitely don’t want to be evasive or pretentious, but the answer always escapes me.
More and more I find that if I’m in walking in an area of unspoiled natural beauty, or in a city of great vistas and magnificent architecture, I’ll be impressed, I’ll be appreciative, but the truth is, I’m often slightly bored in these places. Only a fool would bad-mouth the Champs-Élysées or the Lake District, but I just don’t get very excited about walking there. Whereas if I’m walking along a beach and discover some ruined bungalows, or if I’m at the edge of a city and find a wrecked and abandoned warehouse or barn, then I’m fascinated, I’m moved. And that’s why I’ve written a new book titled Walking in Ruins.

You can read the full piece (and much more besides) on the website here:

Thursday, 20 February 2014


Pico Iyer says you should always take a book with you when you travel, but it should not be about the place you’re traveling to.  And so, I spent a week and a half walking (not hiking, I insist) around Death Valley and other parts of the Mojave desert, spending at least some of the evenings reading Iain Sinclair’s American Smoke.  It’s a book in which, in his oblique and free associative way, Sinclair investigates his own American literary influences and enthusiasms.  The fact that I share some of these – Burroughs, Kerouac, Ed Dorn - makes it a damn good read.

Consequently, by day I would be walking round, say, the Ubehebe Crater then at night I’d be reading about Sinclair walking around Gloucester, Massachusetts in the footsteps of Charles Olson.  Or I’d be walking on the Racetrack Playa then reading Sinclair’s account of walking the waterfront in Vancouver looking for the site of Malcolm Lowry’s shack, bulldozed in 1957.

One of the disappointing things, or at least one of the defining features, of Death Valley these days, is that you’re seldom entirely alone when walking there, certainly not when visiting one of the “main attractions.”

At the Ubehebe Crater, for example, a handful of people were visible walking down to the very bottom of the crater. The National Park Services website says “Walking to the bottom of the main crater is easy; however, the trip back up can be exhausting.”  That’s a bit of spectacular understatement.  It’s a steep 600 foot drop, and some of the people I watched making the return ascent were crawling on their hands and knees by the end. There are actually a couple of people in this photograph –  two minute dots on the diagonal light gray path rising on the left.  You can see them slightly better here.

 Being of sound mind I walked around the rim instead. The National Park Services website again: “Walking around the rim is moderately difficult due to the initial climb and loose footing.”  And the winds – don’t forget the lacerating winds.

And you might think that visiting the Racecourse Playa – 20 odd miles down a bone-shaking dirt road – would buy you a bit of solitude.  But the day I was there a camera club was in situ - much fancy equipment, many tripods, many people shooting the same landscapes from the same angle.  Those are their Jeeps on the right of the rock formation, but at least they're forming a Herzog-esque fata morgana.

 Of course you don’t have to engage with these other people, and only an idiot or  a snob would say that a little human presence ruins a walk, but if you actually want to be alone in Death Valley, the best plan is to visit some location that nobody else wants to go.   

I was much taken by these cyanide tanks at Journigan’s Mill – yes really, Death Valley was once a great source of cyanide – and although there was evidence that plenty of other people had been there before (beer bottles, the remains of fires, some wrecked cars) when I was there I had it to myself, and could walk in ruins in solitude.

I don’t know that Jack Kerouac ever went to Death Valley but when I got back I dug out some of my Kerouac books.  He was one of the first authors I ever discovered for myself.  I was pretty young at the time and there’s always a tendency to think you’ve “outgrown” early enthusiasms – but some you never quite do. 

It’s true I don’t have quite the passion for Kerouac’s writing that I once did, but any time I go back and read his work, I’m always reminded why it moved me so much.  Here’s a passage from The Dharma Bums, about walking, more or less. “Try the meditation of the trail, just walk along looking at the trail at your feet and don’t look about and just fall into a trance as the ground zips by. Trails are like that: you’re floating along in a Shakespearean Arden paradise and expect to see nymphs and fluteboys, then suddenly you’re struggling in a hot broiling sun of hell in dust and nettles and poison oak… just like life.”

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


I'm back from my travels and will soon be blogging again.  Meanwhile there's this:

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Fabulous In Fur Is Back!

I know the majority of my readers are dealing with extremely cold weather right now so it's only appropriate that I take a quick detour from my Atlanta trip to break out the stars draped in their furs once again.

 France Drake looks like a snow angel. Although gripping your head like a vice just makes me think being flawless is just too painful so I'll stick with mediocre. 

I'm sure Lana Turner is off somewhere where it's warm so she can show off her white bikini and matching turban. Anything to escape the arctic temperatures in Beverly Hills.

Paulette Goddard is very protective of her fur wrap. Either that or she just spotted a very intoxicated John Barrymore with his hunting rifle.

This is Alice Terry doing sexy with fur and jewels. I think this proves that there is such a thing as too much shoulder and pasty skin. 

Bebe Daniels is so proud of her fur that she's decided to ride along the running board to show it off. I'm guessing the suitcase is full of bandages and Neosporin ointment just in case there's a stray pothole.

Mary Carlisle looks ecstatic here. Maybe her date just canceled and that rug has to go back in front of the fireplace.

Carmel Myers adds a bit of fur for fashion. Of course this is Hollywood so she could also be recovering from a little nip-tuck. Things were so much easier back then. Throw a bit of fur around your neck and nobody suspects a thing. 

If you're not familiar with Ann Sothern you might look at this glamor pose and think she's attempting sleepy. Nope! She always looks this way.

Irene Rich sets sail. Judging by the fur collar, cuffs and wrap she must be headed out to Catalina Island for the weekend. 

When you're 4 foot tall and you can fit in Johnny Weismuller's pocket do you really need a fur, Lupe Velez? I would show up in a bathing suit and a smile while wrapping myself around that tall drink of water.

Vivien Leigh's fur jacket is a bit of a mystery. It looks like there are sleeves then a back to it. Perhaps she requires a bit of ventilation. Any gal hanging out with Oliver must get the vapors on a regular basis.

Joan Crawford is a pro when it comes to posing. Knowing regardless of how ridiculous you look, it's important to show off every detail of your custom made fur. That statuette was probably a gift from Doug Fairbanks Jr too. Her sly way of rubbing it in.

Martha Raye would learn the hard way that you don't testify in a high end fur and expect sympathy. Not when you need to get your roots done, girl!

Now that I've let the fur fly, I'll get back to my Oh so glamorous life of shoveling the sidewalk. Would anyone notice if I do so while wearing my great aunt's mink stole? 

I hope you're all staying toasty warm and safe.
Thanks for stopping by!